Ghost Hunter by Jayne Castle Featured

Ghost Hunter by Jayne Castle

Local Guild boss and powerful ghost hunter Cooper Boone is everything botanist Elly St. Clair could ask for—the handsome, strong and silent type. Maybe too silent. For when Guild secrets threaten her career at the college, Elly has to call off their marriage—and leave small-town life behind...
But starting over in the thriving metropolis of Cadence City isn’t easy, especially when one of Elly’s new friends disappears in the eerie catacombs beneath the streets. Cooper turns up just in time to help Elly investigate. And as the mystery deepens and dangerous ghost myths and legends come to light, Cooper makes it clear he intends to stick around—and this time he’s holding nothing back…

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Top Reviews

Elly St. Clare is the only daughter of a hunter-tangler couple. She didn’t inherit either of their psi-talents, and as a daughter of a powerful guild family, she is quite sought after in their community.
When her relationship with Cooper Boone goes awry, she moves away from Aurora Springs to the city of Cadence, where she establishes herself as an apothecary.
Cooper Boone is a long range planner, and all of his plans concerning Elly go awry.
When the two of them discover one of Elly’s neig...

By Monnie Koss

My attention was completely focused on this book. I just wanted the world to go away so that I could enjoy it uninterupted. It didn't quite happen like that but I never left the book for longer than I had to. That is a ringing endorsement of how much I was enjoying this story. GHOST HUNTER had it all; excitement, mystery, romance, and two lead characters that I really liked.

Elly was considered the unusual one in her family. Her parents and brothers had powers which she did not posess and ...

By Thuy Walsh

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